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Sterling Hard

Dr. Jo’s treatment and care has made immense positive changes in my health and well-being in three significant ways:
First, for years I had been suffering from severe, intractable pain. Large doses of the powerful opioid, hydrocodone, prescribed by conventional medicine prove ineffectual. Within four treatments by Dr. Jo, my pain had dropped to tolerance levels. By the sixth treatment, I was able to give up the drug completely!
Second, as an MS patient, over the years, I had been prescribed every drug in the formulary, for urinary frequency and urgency. The only options left in the conventional medical arsenal were costly, invasive procedures with highly unpredictable outcomes. Eight treatments by Dr. Jo progressively improved the situation to the point where frequency was reduced from more than twenty trips a day to the bathroom to a very manageable seven or eight. The restoration of sleep, uninterrupted by constant waking, was an invaluable gift!
Third, chronic, painful, debilitating muscle spasms of the back and legs plagued me for years following a helicopter crash and two serious car crashes. Dr. Jo’s treatments have not only, all but eliminated these, but strengthened my back significantly in the process.
Dr. Jo is a compassionate care giver whose authenticity is beyond question. Her priority is her patients‘ welfare and it is obvious in every interaction I have observed. She is a great credit to her profession and all-important to her patients’ health.

©2020 by Nature Acupuncture.

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